Monday, January 24, 2011

You are hearby and forthwith notified to report...

A 28-year-old streak came to an end today. I received my first notice to report to jury duty.  I always thought I would like to be on a jury. But since everybody I know looks for ways to avoid it, I’m thinking it’s not the interesting experience I always hoped it would be. That’s ok; I’m still looking forward to serving.
Except for one thing – I’m scheduled to be there on a day that I’m also scheduled to travel back from a business trip tied to a college visit for Abbey. It wouldn’t be so bad except last week I bought Abbey’s plane ticket, and last night I cashed in hotel points for the free night. The free night I can probably get back without too much hassle. The airline ticket will cost me an arm and two legs to change.
The information I received with my notice makes no reference to what you should do if you are out of town on the date you are scheduled to serve. So I guess my civic duty is inclusive of any penalties in travel changes. I called the number I found on the web, and surprisingly I got voice mail. Surprisingly because I expected a busy signal or no answer. We’ll see if I get a call back.
Hopefully I can reschedule. And hopefully it will not be for the only other week I am scheduled to be out of town between now and 2065.

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