Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yes or No – Which one are you?

Not that long ago I worked in a business where we were struggling to make our numbers. This was compounded by the fact that quite frequently we would bring an opportunity to the bid decision point, and we were told “No, because…” The reasons varied and it became quite frustrating. My outlook on life changed the day that we were told we would “No Bid” a certain opportunity. “No bid? Why?” It’s not our standard offering, it will be too expensive, and we can’t deliver in the customer’s requested delivery schedule.  That was the third “No” I heard that week. The other two were because there was too much risk. Of course, we were including contingency cost for the equivalent scenario of a single engine Cessna flying at 60,000 ft. Never mind that it’s impossible, we had to plan and cost for that contingency, just in case.
 At this point I had enough, so I asked “What if the customer was willing to pay us $100 million and they could wait 2 years to take delivery, would we do it then?” Of course we would, but does the customer have $100M and 2 years? At this point it doesn’t matter. We found a condition on which we would bid it, and the “standard offering” thing was just an excuse. We bid the job on the conditions that we could deliver under, and we got the order.
So why did this change my life? Because I moved from being a “No, because…” person to a “Yes, if …” person. In fact, this has become my mantra at work. I took it to my new job, and I think people may be tired of hearing me say it. But I find that in the 18 months of my asking for a “Yes, if…” scenario, the work environment has improved. If I find someone that takes this attitude without my prompting, I’ll make sure to send them an email thanking for their support, and their desire to find a way to get business. I’ll probably even copy their manager.
I’m trying to bring this to personal life as well. That’s a bit harder, but I think it’s worth the effort. So now I ask you, which person are you? Are you “No, because…” or “Yes, if…”?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thoughts On Getting OIder

To quote my very cool mother-in-law, I don’t so much mind getting older. It beats the alternative. She was a very special woman, who passed much too soon. She knew how to appreciate life. I am glad that I was able learn that from her. I am even more glad that my wife is so much like her mother in that respect.
This morning I am not so glad that I scheduled a 7:30 AM conference call. Understand that I have conference calls this early, or earlier, on a regular basis. What is unusual about today is that I did something last night that I fortunately do NOT do on a regular basis. But oh man, did I have a good time.
I’ll start by saying that today I celebrate a birthday. I am 46 years young. And I feel every bit of it. Last night my brother Bill took me (and my good friends Nick and Dub) to see Joe Bonamassa perform at the Midland Theater. For those of you that don’t know, Bonamassa is a blues guitarist extraordinaire. Bill picked up some front row tix for the event. Peggy chartered a limo. The concert was fantastic. Afterwards I introduced the group to the Power and Light District. It was night not soon forgotten.
I am especially thankful for Bill. He’s always been a great brother, but in the last two years we have become very close. Like two brothers should be. I am blessed in so many ways, and my brothers are one (make that two) of the ways.
I’m also thankful for the blessing of so many friends. Waking up this morning, I was greeted with birthday wishes from over 50 Facebook friends. And this before 8 AM. I am truly touched.
As I contemplate getting older, I’m appreciative of so many things. I have the best wife in the world. I am blessed with two fantastic, loving and talented daughters. I still have my mom around, and despite living 6 hours away, she is very much a part of our lives. I am blessed with family (immediate, in-laws, and out-laws) that make me feel loved and respected. I don’t think that I could ask for better life. Life is good.